Saturday, August 09, 2008

Slumber Party!

I lost a little piece of my heart today as Cate moved one step closer to adulthood. She had her first sleepover last night. Cate’s friend, Lily, came over and spent the night. We had no drama, lots of fun and best of all (for me), there was actual sleeping!

Cate has really grown up so much this summer, not just in looks, but the way she talks, acts and carries herself. It’s shocking how it happens overnight. Do you hear my heart cracking into small pieces? Anyway...

She and Lily had a great time. We went swimming in the morning (thanks, Dan and Ashlei!) and I took some pictures to commerate the day!
On another note, Lily’s lil sis, Stella celebrated her second birthday this week! Happy Birthday, Big Girl! You and Peri will be having sleepovers before we know it!

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