Thursday, December 06, 2007

Oh, The Weather Outside is Frightful

Hmmm. Where to start. Nothing big has happened, but lots of little things. We are fully into the Christmas spirit around our house. You know - stockings hung by the chimney with care, etc...

Sean put up Xmas lights this year so luckily we aren't the pariahs of the neighborhood. We thought his travels would slow after the most recent elections, but alas, they have not. This isn't necessarily a bad thing. I continue to be proud of how much his company is growing and amazed at the response he receives outside of Oklahoma. I think 2008 will be great! Kudos, Babe!

We are taking a few days to go to San Diego with the girls. We are all really excited, especially Cate. We will going to the zoo, SeaWorld and most importantly, the beach. It will be way to cold to swim, but Cate only cares about picking up seashells, so that's good for her. This will be our first time on a plane with the girls and I'm nervous about that. I am not a good flier and Peri is loud, so that can't be a good combination, right? I have low expectations for the flight, but high expectations for the trip. Here's hoping...

OK, so Cate is FULL-ON OBSESSED with the Wizard of Oz. She watches it every night before bed and actually can sing most of the songs, random voices included. The best part is her singing "If I Only Had A Brain". She sings in a lower voice and does the scarecrow dance complete with the falling. It's so cute! I hope to get it on video soon.

Peri is Peri. Walking has become her main mode of transportation. She likes to carry around random articles of clothing like Sean's jeans or my shoes. Bizarre. She continues to be the loudest baby in America and babbles constantly. She loves to give kisses and just today started grabbing my cheeks when she kisses me. Adorable!!!

That's it from my house. I hope to blog a little from California, so stay warm! It sounds like Oklahoma is going to become an ice sheet while we're gone. I hope we can get back, but that will be another story!


Anonymous said...

Good luck on the plane! What a fun winter trip to take. Is Cate in training to be the next Judy Garland?

ginny said...

We will miss you, Leslie and fam. Y'all go and have yourselves a grand 'ole time in sunny CA.

Anonymous said...

Thinking of you bcuz you will be flying soon- it will go smoothly, I just know it! -Camille