Tuesday, June 05, 2007


I feel like it’s been a while since I dedicated an entry solely to Peri. So, I’m taking a cue from my friend, Ashli, who is so good to post information and pics of her little Stella!

Can you believe Pepper just turned seven-months-old? I can’t believe how fast time has gone! Pepper has turned out to be a great nickname for Peri since she is generally a firecracker. She is still a very happy, smiley baby. However, don’t let the sweet exterior fool you. That girl can scream and screech, especially when food is involved or if you take something from her. She can throw down and tantrum, people. Sometimes I swear she is already in the terrible two’s!

Here’s some new fun facts about Pepper:

*She has really learned quickly how to charm people to get her way (those blue eyes get you every time). When you tell her “no” she just smiles sweetly at you.

*She babbles constantly. She said “baba” the other day in the proper context…it figures her first word would be food-related.

*She “pat-a-cakes” by clapping her hands and then twirls her hands around for the “roll-the-dough” verse.

* She bounces up-and-down when she hears music. It is seriously cute.

*She has started solid food and loves them! Right now, squash and yogurt are her faves.

* She goes nuts for the bathtub. She loves the shower sprayer and not only grabs at the water, but tries to drink it. Watch the video…it’s hilarious. It’s like she’s a dog!

*She’s way into social hour as demonstrated by the pictures with Stella and her cousin Logan. We might be in trouble once she hits the teenage years.

I hope you enjoy the new pictures. BTW, the picture of her with my grandpa (a.k.a. Papa) is a new favorite. He celebrates his 88th Birthday this week. Is that not fantastic?

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ashli said...

very cute pics little peri! Love the one with papa! so sweet!

Anonymous said...

She is so freakin cute! -Camille

Anonymous said...

The bathtub video is too much. I think I watched it 5 times!! HA!