Sunday, December 10, 2006

Settling In

Ok, after my previous rant, I am feeling oodles better and can now move on with my life.:)

Our little Peri Bear is growing up so quickly. Yes, I realize she is only 5 weeks old, but she is changing so much. We’ve been battling with this reflux deal and I am hopeful it will be getting better soon. The medicines and new formula (thanks Ginny and Ashli) seem to be giving her some comfort. She is smiling and cooing, and even has a sweet little “laugh.” She is a happy child and really cuddly. I am sad she is growing up already.

Cate is her usual boisterous self. She is preparing for the Christmas program at school this week by singing Jingle Bells around the house. She’s really doing well with it and I can’t wait to see her in the program. I have posted this picture of Cate with her cousin, Lisa. I keep telling Lisa’s mom (the fabulous Aunt Sandy) that Cate and Lisa really look so much alike. I realize it could be me, but Cate does have those Mossman genes in her! Anyway, both girls are just adorable and I thought everyone should see the resemblance for themselves.

Hope everyone’s holidays are going well!


Anonymous said...

So glad she seems to be doing better! Poor little Peri! I can't wait to see her again, she looks like she changed since I saw her last! Adorable pic, she looks so content

and Cate looks so cute and so much more like a big girl all the time! what a great photo with your cousin!

Anonymous said...

Peri looks so wide- eyed in that photo. I'm very excited for the xmas program, too! - Camille