Thursday, December 07, 2006

Merry Christmas?

Seriously, what kind of world do we live in? It’s Christmastime, which is supposed to be a happy, giving time. But, every year, things seem to get crazier and crazier. So, I’m going to join the crowd for a few minutes. In the spirit of Christmas, I am dedicating this post to all the things that have annoyed or irritated me over the past week. Nothing like spreading holiday cheer, right?

1. Crazy conservative radicals are claiming the movie, Happy Feet, contains homosexual overtones. Now tell me…how could a movie about dancing penguins really be turned into a hot-button political issue? Apparently, it’s really simple. Some people think the boy penguin seeking his father’s approval (and apparently saying his father would have to accept him the way he is) proves the movie is promoting the “gay agenda” and parents should be warned. You know what? I should be warned before watching the crap Fox News spews out.

2. Why is it that Christmas shopping brings out the worst in people? Go ahead people. Cut in front of me in line, don’t hold the door open for me and generally be as crappy as possible. 'Tis the season for bad manners.

3. And finally, to the pharmacists at Walgreens. I understand that you are looking out for my best interests. Thanks for that. However, when my pediatrician writes a prescription for my baby’s reflux (which is clearly painful), please act quickly. Don’t question the prescription and then wait until the following day to call and question the pediatrician, who knew exactly what she was prescribing. Then after all that “checking”, you tell me that you can’t fill the prescription because it’s not something you carry. All this happening at 6:00 p.m. at night, so that I have to wait yet another day to go to a specialty pharmacy. Nice.

OK, now I have all that out of my system and I can go back to relative happiness. I promise I’m really not a grouchy person. I’m just a sleep deprived mother who wants a little world peace (and quiet).


ginny said...

I hear you sister! You know I like to do me some bitchin'!! As for #1) give me a freakin break, people need more constructive, productive things to do with their time. Your kid is gay because he was born like that! Geez! #2) Normally Oklahomans are pretty polite but I think this weathers got everybody in a tizzy! #3) this is why I loathe chain pharmacies! I go to Nichols Hills pharmacy for all my medication needs:) They always have everything and if they don't they HURRY and get it that day. Oh, and they know my name!!!!

Anonymous said...

You are a very happy person, so I like it when you get a little cranky at the world!