Thursday, November 16, 2006

The End…and a New Beginning

Well, here it comes – the end. I officially have to be a parent now. Not that I haven’t been a parent over the past two weeks (albeit sleep deprived and addicted to caffeine), but we knew it was coming. My mom is leaving town.

Granted, Mom is taking Cate to Okemah for a few days this weekend, but come Sunday, it’s all me and Sean. Will we survive?

I know that we can do it. I mean, c’mon, you gals do it every day and in some cases, with more children. But, I will admit that I am a little scared.

Will Cate morph into some crazy child next week (she did ask if she could “pet” the baby yesterday)? Will Peri decide to wake up and start screaming non-stop (up until this point she’s been an amazingly calm baby)?

Who knows. But, I do know that Sean and I are eternally thankful to my Mom for staying these two weeks. She cooked, cleaned, rocked, fed at 4 a.m. and drove me around OKC. I know it will be my job to provide such support when my girls have their children in the future and I can’t wait.

So, thanks for everything Mom. Here’s to the beginning of watching my girls grow, play, laugh and love.


Anonymous said...

It will go by so fast it will make your head spin. And yes, Cate will probably exhibit some unforeseen craziness- that's a given. -All things that you can tell them when they have their own kids. It's gonna be great! -Camille

brooke said...

You'll do fine! It's tough, especially at first when Peri will need most of the attention, but pretty soon you'll get into a routine and you'lll do great!

Anonymous said...

Ditto, Ditto, Ditto to everything they said. You will do great, and it will suck at first, and you will even cry a little or lot, but... in a few months you will be luggin' those two around like nothing. You are a good momma.

Anonymous said...

What a lucky girl you are to have such a fabulous mommma! You will be just as fab with your two I know! It will definitely be challenging at times, but before you know it you will hardly remember what is was like with just one child.