Monday, November 20, 2006

Adventures in Retail Shopping

Well, this is going to take some getting used to. While on an adventure out to Hobby Lobby today, Cate was a little rambunctious (imagine that!) and was wreaking havoc in the store.

She really doesn’t mean to be rude (I sound like THAT parent, right?). She just doesn’t pay attention to where she is going, therefore running into people and in this case, merchandise.

So, today Cate broke a clock in the store. While we were telling her about paying attention and the importance of acting more appropriately, she starts bawling. Then, to top it off, Peri starts wailing. Why do they do that in pairs?

Even better, the people around us start giving us the evil eye. It was a special moment and not in a good way. Thank goodness I wasn’t by myself. Although this incident does demonstrate that I better get my game face in check. The day is coming when I’ll have to corral two girls and two temper tantrums by myself.

Anyway, I have attached some new pics. Not of the alleged incident, but just some fun family pics from this week.

I also want to give official congrats to our girl, Ginny, who celebrated her birthday last week. The Hens treated her to a lovely Indian dinner that was awesome! The nice people at the restaurant gave Ginny a special serenade along with a carrot cake and ketchup decoration (don’t ask). They even let her wear a really diva-licious hat (take note, Wade - she really wants one for Christmas). Anyway, we had a great time. Happy Birthday, Ginny!


Anonymous said...

Oh, yes there are definitely "those" types of days, more often than you might like sometimes, but there are also those times when you leave a store think "Damn I rock, my kids were so good" probably because I was expecting them to be not so good!

Indian food was a blast and now I'm looking forward to some Korean for Camille's bday bash!

Anonymous said...

Oh, and btw Peri is so ADORABLE! I am dying to get my hands on her give her some kisses and hugs!

ginny said...

awww, thank you Leslie. I had sooo much fun and the food was delicious! Also, the book you gave me is fan-freakin-tastic. I can't put the thing down.