Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Thank You Global Warming?

The weather in Oklahoma has been fantastic over the past several weeks. August was strangely cool (mid 80s to low 90s) and September already feels like fall. It’s either global warming or we’re going to have a brutal winter.

Anyway, the girls and I have been spending lots of time outside at the park and at the farm in Okemah (that’s also largely due to the fact that Sean hasn’t been home too much).

I just thought I share some of the happy pictures that come when you are frolicking outside with friends and family.


Anonymous said...

Your logic is ridiculous. Typical liberal rhetoric that everything, hot temps/cold temps/sunny/ice storm/tornadoes/etc, is global warming related. Do some research and see how much carbon is in the atmosphere, both naturally occuring and man made, and see if you are that narcissistic that humans can have that kind of impact on the ever changing earth.

The Mossmans said...

Wow, that was enlightening. I assume you’re so crabby because you’re exhausted from typing ranting, anonymous, factually-cloudy posts on people’s FAMILY blogs. I also assume it must be tiring being in the 3% of Americans who don’t think human beings have at least a little something to do with global warming. Maybe it’s time to get some rest and quit worrying so much about my lame attempt at weather humor.

Amanda @ Life in bloom said...

First of all, wow, I was in a good mood until I read you other comments. Is that why you have blessed us with kiddo pics in a while??'ve been tagged, check out my blog if you want to play!