Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Further Proof…

I didn’t elaborate too much on the concert that Sean coordinated with Death Cab for Cutie (also in conjunction with the League of Conservation Voters - a great organization!), but it was awesome!

The full band couldn’t be in attendance because of some family issues, but Ben and Chris with the band played an amazing acoustic set of mainly older songs. They played well over an hour, the audience stuck around (which oddly didn’t happen at many of the parties in Denver) and as a fan, it didn’t disappoint.

While I didn’t get to spend “quality time” with Ben and Chris (sorry Ashli, I didn’t get to ask the all-important OKC question), I did at least get to shake their hands and snap a quick picture. I think I stammered something ridiculous like, “Hi, Chris, I’m Leslie. This sounds really cliché, but I’m a huge fan.” Lame, I know.

Anyway, here’s our picture. We were hot, sweaty and tired, but all were gracious. Definitely a highlight of 2008!


Anonymous said...

what happened to the other one?

Anonymous said...
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Amanda @ Life in bloom said...

That's so cool, and I'm so jealous you actually got to meet them!