Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Don’t Hurry…

I really haven’t been the best at updating my blog recently . Life has been coming fast and furious and my blog has fallen down on the priority list.

First, thanks to Sean and the girls for a lovely Mother’s Day. It was low-key and fun, which was perfect. We ate lots of ice cream and laughed at the girls. It was great.

Which brings me to my mom. We recently visited her oncologist to get the results from her latest round of testing and frankly, the news we got wasn’t what we hoped for. There are still many bright spots including her organs are clear of cancer at this time. So, good!

Unfortunately, she does have some new tumors in various places up and down her back. At this point, she has no spinal compression (which is good), but will likely start another round of chemo soon. We are taking several consultations over the next few weeks with various doctors, including a trip to M.D. Anderson in Houston.

After some momentary shock and disappointment on my part, I’ve gotten back into fighting mode. Those of you who know my mom, know that she is what I call “the rock.” Therefore, I always do and will continue to follow her lead – positive thoughts bring positive actions.

In addition, Cate recently shared a new motto with me – something she learned from her ever-amazing teacher, Ms. Cathy. I’ve adopted it as my new mantra:

“Don’t Hurry. Don’t Worry. And, don’t forget to stop and smell the flowers.”



ginny said...

you've always got to stay strong because you never know with that evil disease. Remember, the doctors had my mom long gone 2 years before she actually did pass. ps I love love love that saying. Kinda think you should put it as your heading!

The Mossmans said...

You know, Ginny, that's a great idea! Done!

Summer said...

Your mom is a strong woman, and will fight this. Always know that we love you and your family, and I am looking forward to the day she and Nathan can quit taking up all the space in my head!

Anonymous said...

Hi, friend. I'm so sorry to hear about the new tumors. We will definitely continue to pray for her (and you guys). I looooove the picture of her and your little cutie. Priceless.
