Thursday, February 14, 2008

A Valentine's To Remember

Well, it was a Valentine’s Day Massacre at my house today. Both girls were home with the dreaded stomach virus. Let’s just say I’ve been following them around with a bucket of bleach all day. Ick.

I really felt terrible for Cate. She was dressed and ready for school (valentines in hand) and got sick. She cried and cried when I told her she couldn’t go to school today. So, Daddy ran out to get some soda and crackers and when he returned the “Valentines Fairy” had brought them a special package (you know this is how Dad fixes things in our house. When in doubt, buy something!). Cate got a new Barbie and Peri got animal crackers, but they both smiled, so that was good.

Best of all, Cate’s sweet teacher came to our house and delivered valentines from all the kids in her class and a balloon. How great is that!!!

Hope you enjoy these miserable pictures. Peri has literally been laying around on the floor today and Cate just looks sick. Sad!

On an even sadder note, Sean and I were supposed to go out to the movies tonight. I couldn’t in good conscience expose my babysitter to nastiness of the stomach virus. So, on top of everything else, date night was cancelled. I know, I sound pitiful, don’t I?


Stacie said...

So sad. May it be a quick-lived virus that magically skips over the parents. :)

Anonymous said...

Ugh... -Camille

ginny said...

sucks so bad!! But I had fun with you last night, if that's any consolation...