Wednesday, October 31, 2007

All Things Halloween

I know I could probably wait until tomorrow to post the obligatory Halloween pictures, but why not cut to the chase. Besides, tomorrow is reserved for a special baby's birthday, so let's do this now!

Anyway, Cate has been so excited about Halloween this year. She is going as Sleeping Beauty and woke up this morning so excited to wear her costume to school. She was literally running around the house, jumping up and down in anticipation. Seriously cute.

Peri, who will be going as a monkey or “the origin of species” as Sean calls her, could really care less. I’m not even sure if she’ll stay awake long enough to trick-or-treat.

We also carved our first jack-o-lantern this year. Of course, Cate named the pumpkin Nemo. I am assuming because it’s orange. Anyway, it was great activity for her and Dad.

Hope all of you have a Happy Halloween!

BTW, many of you have emailed, called or stopped me to ask how my mom did during last week’s mastectomy surgery. She sailed through and is up and going. She continues to amaze me. Thanks for your kind words and thoughts.

1 comment:

ashli said...

Such Halloween cuteness! And we are thrilled that your mom is doing so great! What an inspiration she is! Seriously!