Yes, your adoring husband tells you how great you look and that you’re carrying “our” baby, so don’t worry about your body. Very sweet. However, your 2-year-old doesn’t really understand the nuances of stroking her mother’s somewhat fragile ego at this point.
Hence the picture you see before you.
Cate was all giggles the other night when she put on “mommy’s jeans”. She was very proud to model her newest fashion accessory. However, I was stunned by the fact that I could literally fit about 6 Cates into that one pair of huge maternity jeans. Yes, it was very cute, but the vain part of me kinda wanted to cry.
I think I’ll just blame it on the hormones…only a few more weeks to do that, you know.
Only 59 weeks? I thought it was 62.
Oh no... I didn't say weeks. I said 59 months. You know, about the same gestational period as an elephant. :)
Um.. hormones for only a few more weeks?!? I think you've forgotten the crazy rages that you'll have for the months after the birth- let it all hang out, girl, you deserve it. And, BTW, you've been a beautiful pregnant woman. -Camille
Awesome pic, I should put Lil and Anna in a pair of mine and take one, that is some funny shit! Okay and BTW you look FAB! I mean it, you look really great. I am pulling for you on it happening a little sooner, hopefully, we'll keep our fingers crossed...until then your stuck with only a few more weeks feeling yucky!
okay girl Cate in the pants, that's real cute and all but it's time for an upadate! There must something to complain about this late im the game, give us something girl! Post about whatever your little heart desires, just post soon because before you know it there will be little time for blogging! JK
oh that was me Ashli
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