Wednesday, July 05, 2006

What I Did on My Summer Vacation

Well, while most of us aren’t getting a vacation this summer, Cate is enjoying a little jaunt out of the big city and has chosen the beautiful, tropical hamlet of Okemah. No, hens, I didn’t abandon my child….

Anyway, as with any good vacation, there are lots of leisure activities to enjoy such as golf (notice the stunning golf outfit…you think I’d pick that hat?), preparing for a day in the sun and singing in your underwear with a flashlight.

You should see what she’s planning for next summer.


Summer said...

We are so proud of our little little chick, Kate. Way to go on the potty training!!

Keithclan said...

Next summer, I'm signing Max up for the "potty training boot camp" How much does your mom charge? Whatever it is, it's worth the price!!!

Keithclan said...

Next summer, I'm signing Max up for the "potty training boot camp" How much does your mom charge? Whatever it is, it's worth the price!!!

Keithclan said...

Next summer, I'm signing Max up for the "potty training boot camp" How much does your mom charge? Whatever it is, it's worth the price!!!

ashli said...

Yeah for Cate! Looks like she having a grand ole time!

Summer said...

Sorry I spelled Cate's name wrong!! You know me and spelling!!!