Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Indulge Me For A Moment....

Ok, I am not usually a preachy person, but I wanted to let everyone know about an important film that we saw last night. We watched An Inconvenient Truth at the AMC 24 in OKC and it really made an impact on me.

This documentary on global warming was astounding and frankly, very scary. Global warming is a very politically-charged issue and this is a film by former Vice-President Al Gore. However, no matter what political party we belong to, I think we can all agree that we want the best possible environment for our children and that’s why I’m writing this.

If you are interested in learning more about how you can cut-down on Carbon Dioxide emissions in your home and on the street, please visit www.climatecrisis.net. Within this website, they have lots of information about the science of global warming and simple ways you can take action.

Again, please forgive my soapbox, but I am very passionate about this topic. I just wanted to let you know about some important information I learned and maybe you can pass it on.

Thanks for indulging…

PS: If you like documentaries, this was great and probably won’t be in OKC for long. Check it out if you have some time.


Keithclan said...

I am so jealous that you saw that! I saw Al Gore on the Daily Show and have been wanting to see it ever since. I will probably have to wait 'til it comes to video unless it is something 5 kids could sit through...

Anonymous said...

I would definitely be interested in seeing that, and will check out the website. It's one of those topics that makes you feel a little helpless, so making a small difference would be nice.