Monday, June 19, 2006

Catie Lou Retton

In her quest for the gold medal, Cate has begun practicing for the Olympics. Ok, so she has a way to go, I thought you might enjoy seeing her as she somersaults her way across the playroom. As the adoring mother, I think it's pretty cute.

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Anonymous said...

I like the "well this might hurt" comment. It reminds me of this clip I saw one time of a deer attacking a man, standing on his hind legs and beating him with his front hooves. The woman (his wife) who was video taping later said "I thought I was taping my husband's death." Good thing she had the presence of mind to ZOOM IN, instead of put down the camera and help him, or else we'd of missed out on a kick ass video!

--Billy Bob Backwoods

Anonymous said...

ok- what's with that last comment? I've seen that video, though. I'm super impressed with Cate's somersaulting abilities- she young for that! -camille

ashli said...

Didn't you people know that our little Cate has always been quite the gymnast! God talk about a limber baby, watching her move sometimes made me hurt a little! Cute video Leslie! Miss you!