Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Five Times the Fun!

On a daily basis, Cate does something funny. Usually she says something funny, like her father teacher her to say “chicken butt” when asked “what’s up?” Thanks for teaching her that, Daddy.

Anyway, her latest humorous trick has been her insistence on sleeping with the No. 5. You know those puzzles where you can insert the wooden number into the correct place? Well, we have one. And now, Cate has chosen her favorite number and sleeps with it daily. I originally thought it was a passing action, something that carried over from an afternoon of play. Apparently, she doesn’t sleep with enough random items and now the No. 5 has worked its way into her bed.

I’m not sure what the therapists will say about this…


ashli said...

OMG! It sounds just like Lily, so bizare! Cate is a funny girl! Love her!

Anonymous said...

I just love Cate. Number of the day, Number of the day- is....5!! Ah,Ah,Ah!!(Count laughing) I think Charlie took Dory and a plastic water bottle lid to bed last night- what is that about? -Camille