So, I’m sure it’s the impending birth of our second child that has me reminiscing over the past. Seriously, where does the time go? It really seems like a short time ago that we had Cate and we were so wrapped up in every little thing that she did (not that we don’t do that now).

Isn’t it funny that when you get married, life seems so complicated and then you have your first child and life gets really interesting? It’s funny, looking back on all of it now; life was so easy before kids. What were we thinking?
I have been cleaning out my office at work (not going back after the baby for those who don’t know) and I have found so many pics of Cate. I wanted to share some with you because many of you didn’t know Cate when she was so tiny (a relative term, I know).

I have to say that I am getting really anxious about baby No. 2. I know that all of you have juggled multiple kids and I can do it, too. But, this delicate balancing act called parenting makes me so nervous. What if one girl thinks the other gets more attention? What if I’m a bad stay-at-home mom? What if they end up hating me? Wow! The hormones are really flowing today!
Anyway, I digress. I know we have to take life as it comes and roll with it and that’s what I’ll do!Let’s party this weekend, girls!
ADORABLE! What a cutie and what a big girl! Love that pic of you two and the one of her at the bottom of the page.
You will be amazing and when you need any helpful advice, I can definitely try to give what I might or might not know! Love you!
Are you kidding me- how cute are these baby pics? It's strange not to have known her then. Your second time with a newborn will fly by so fast, your head will spin- and having friends around makes stay- at- home motherhood so much easier. Thanks, girls. -Camille
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